DPC-P Pressure Dilute Phase Conveyor

DPC-P Pressure Dilute Phase Conveyor

Low Pressure – High Speed
Material carrying capacity is generally between <1Ton and 50Ton. Micronized powder material is carried in the pipe at high speed and above the splash speed. The material speed is approximately 15-40m/sec at the end of the feed and line. In this transport, the flow is homogeneous and the material is constantly suspended. Due to the high speed, it is generally used for non-abrasive materials. Positive pressure (+0.1....1Bar) Blower units are used as transport air. 
These units operate with positive pressure air and are used to mix granular raw materials with air and transport them to long distances with high capacity. Materials such as cement, lime, soda, coal, ash, grain, food and sawdust etc. are transported safely to long distances. 
Dilute Phase Pneumatic conveying systems can transport hundreds of different materials regardless of their fineness, coarse or free-flowing structure, moisture content, flaky or pelleted structure and chemical and physiological composition. The most suitable pneumatic conveying method is selected according to the chemical and physiological structure of the product and the product is transported to the desired point. The compressed air needs of the product are calculated according to its type, carrying capacity and particle sizes and the system is selected according to the most suitable air consumption. 
  • High Air Flow

  • Product volume low 

  • Low-density line 

  • Shipped in suspension 

  • Positive and Negative Pressure 

  • -0.5 to +1 Bar 

  • Low air pressure 

  • Low investment cost 

  • Flexible and versatile 

This technology is suitable for transporting a wide range of materials including cement, dolomite, feldspar, lime, silica sand, foundry dust, ash, plastic raw materials, chemical powders, sugar, flour and more.

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